Today, I received a communique from a very nice anonymous supporter of ours.
He has informed me of greenbooter's URL. Not very hidden. It's as if they WANT to be found, so someone can shut them down and the owner can blame booter down and just run off with his customer's money.
Look how simple it is:
Anyway, here's their list of shells. Do enjoy.
*Link Removed*
If your server(s) is/are on this list, you may want to look into finding out how he got in and patch up that hole.
Most likely it will be from a WebDAV exploit where you haven't changed the default user/pass.
Just skimming through his list, I see he adds multiple shells from the same server to make it seem like he has more shells.
Ripping off his customers
Here is his database: *Link Removed*
Do enjoy.
Wow, those clays are burners. You guys are bitches man
ReplyDeleteI like your post, Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are little bitches with a c99 shell, grats.
ReplyDeleteOrgy, you're my hero.<3 You inspire me to be better. :)
ReplyDeleteHow do you take down booters :o?
ReplyDeleteit's back online, there is this little fucker on here performing an attack on me daily. how can I go about taking actions on this
ReplyDeleteHunt it down !
ReplyDeleteuses public shells and a leeched source
Anyone please leak this :
should be easy i've heard this booter is related with and insanely strong anyone check plz
Could we get the source for this? o: