So, today WiFi decided to make a thread about Booter Down. You can view it here. He lied about quite a few things, such as me being the creator of Booter Down. I'm not, BV1 is. I just contribute by posting every so often.
A few people mentioned that WiFi was knowingly hosting shell booters. A few hours later, someone (I'll let them remain anonymous, as per their request) sent me this screenshot.
So there goes a reseller that allows the hosting of shell booters, as well as the shell booters it was hosting.
cant wait until you faggots get whats coming to you why cant you just let people host their fucking booters
ReplyDeleteAbove user is MAD BRO!!!
IP Location: Paris, France
Hosted at Santrex
Will be filing the abuse report tomorrow, good day to another booter
ReplyDeletenot sure if this booters URL has been posted.
Reporting Atomic Booter
Yes, BlackHops I did a few posts ago, here's the link again.
There are some things in the world best left alone
ReplyDelete"booters are one of those things "
_ _ _
|_|__ _|_ o |_) _ _ _|_ _ __| \ _ __
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Whoops, I might have reported Mr.Stressed out to his host.
ReplyDeleteMy GAWD!!
ReplyDeleteWhat will I ever do!
Oh thats right. Put it back up.
Stressed Out Be mad
ReplyDeleteShouldnt of fucked with with WiiWifi
ReplyDeleteNew booter
ReplyDeleteo shit
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteShouldnt of fucked with with WiiWifi
Oh noes so scared.
hahaha i have a shell booeter thats totaly protected from you guys ahahahahaha
ReplyDeletefails :) = you guys
msg me on aim moddersheaven for more information on protection from this site :)