Sunday, August 21, 2011

Regarding the list on the side

People keep asking me about the list of booters on the side. I personally do not control the list at all. I cannot add sites to it, nor can I remove them. If you want information regarding the list, you need to speak to BV1.

Furthermore, as I've stated before, I personally do not engage in "taking down" the booters. All I do is provide BV1 with information that would be beneficial to his cause, and only about booters that I feel deserve it. One of those booters being xBootem, who's owner lies to his customers and is clearly completely incompetent.

Also, I'd like to thank xBootem. They've made a thread on HackForums today (currently visible here, but will probably be removed by staff by the end of the night) that has gotten Booter Down some serious recognition. Thanks, xBootem!

That is all.


  1. The list on the right side is simply just a reference. If a booter is not listed, then expect that the booter owners have contacted me to work out a deal. Just being listed doesn't mean anything.

  2. - Unforgotten Booter - Stressed Out Booter

  3. Why take down FLEX booter... it had 1.4k working shells...

  4. Yes, finally some stressed out booter action!

